Home Consciousness 25 Examples Of How Your Inner Wisdom Sends You Messages

25 Examples Of How Your Inner Wisdom Sends You Messages

by consciousreminder
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Learning to recognize your inner wisdom and trust it can only occur through your own unique experiences and reflection.

Your inner wisdom sends you messages of guidance about how to navigate your journey through life. These messages are sent to you all day and night. Your inner wisdom is your own private radio station, lighthouse, movie theater and siren about what paths to take and which trails to avoid as you traverse all the ebbs and flow of your life.

These messages do not come with a flashing neon light that tells you what they are. They can be sent in the most subtle and stealth ways sometimes. Other times, they come screaming at you. There is no one way these messages arrive nor is there only one way to access them and know these are true messages of guidance.

Because of the amazing variety of ways they can be sent and the many ways we can become aware of them, there simply are no rules or simple steps that can we can always use to find and trust them. Some talk about finding places of peace and relaxation to access our inner wisdom. Others talk about meditation, hypnosis and other ways to bypass our conscious mind. The truth is that these may work sometimes and not others.

Our inner wisdom comes from deep within the unconscious part of our mind. It contains a combination of all we know and think along with messages that come from beyond us. Even messages that we receive from our soul, spirit and other higher levels often enter us through our unconscious and are then transmitted to our conscious mind in ambiguous, oblique, unclear and downright weird ways sometimes.

Sharing how-to steps to discern your inner wisdom may not be helpful since it often defies codified methods and procedures. Even if suggestions on how to access your inner wisdom work some of the time, they can’t be relied on to work all of the time. And, often, your inner wisdom will slip in a message in a way that is completely unrelated to such methods. If you rely too much on following steps, procedures and methods, you may ignore critical messages of guidance that don’t come to you in those ways.

Learning to recognize your inner wisdom and trust it can only occur through your own unique experiences and reflection. You are the expert on you. No one knows better than you what’s best for you. You need to pay attention to all that happens within you and around you so you can begin to detect the patterns of how your inner wisdom has chosen to communicate with you.

From my conversations with people around the world, here are 25 ways that our inner wisdom has actually sent a message to someone. Hopefully, this list will open your mind to all the limitless possibilities for how your inner wisdom talks with you.

1. A gentle voice of guidance

2. A demanding voice telling you what to do

3. A scene in a movie that suddenly has a special meaning

4. A rainbow

5. A sudden feeling of dread

6. A song you suddenly remember

7. A sudden sense to change direction or a route

8. A vivid image of a location or building

9. An idea while taking a shower

10. A wrought iron gate

11. A penny on the front lawn

12. An illness or life-threatening disease

13. Returning after you thought you died

14. The passing of a loved one

15. Reading an article

16. A bad boss falsely trashes you about something

17. A loved one puts you on the spot with a difficult question

18. Meeting a horse

19. Trusting a mentor, teacher, or another type of helping person

20. Someone request your help

21. A dream

22. Sleep typing (like sleep walking only using the keyboard)

23. A pain, pulling or other sensation

24. Something surprising happens

25. A message or feeling that keeps repeating

Notice that any of these could occur and not be a message of guidance from your inner wisdom. And then again, they could. Each person receives these messages in their own way and no two are quite alike. The messages are unique to each person. You have to know yourself well and be able to separate the different things going on inside of you before you can consistently recognize when your inner wisdom is talking to you.

The time is NOW to heal what is within ~ mind, body and spirit.

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