Home Consciousness Mars In Gemini, Final Lessons In Love And Karma

Mars In Gemini, Final Lessons In Love And Karma

by consciousreminder
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MARS in GEMINI – APRIL 21- June 4th

Gemini astrology Tara Greene

 Mars moves into fast-talking, quick thinking, irresponsible, GEMINI on the 21st. It’s Monkey mind time and multi-tasking time. There will be a strong tendency and inability to commit to almost everything, with lots of changes of minds. Mars in GEMINI brings out the cheaters, and double-talkers, those who must be in two relationships at once. So beware.

It ca be very fun, lite, childlike and flirty, but difficult to settle the mind down to ONE thing only.  Luckily its also stable, solid SUN in TAURUS time so that helps us build a solid foundation in our Temples, the body and the earth plane. Taurus loves constancy, security and tangible things. Taurus hates change and wants real things of lasting value in its tool belt.  Stay grounded my friends.  Walk barefoot on the land, gardening, ceramics, building with your hands, creating art, counting your money,  and expressing and enjoying all the physical pleasures are what to do.

THE LAST 3rd square of VENUS to SATURN is on the 21st in the morning.

Venus square Saturn Kinuko Y Craft

The first and second Venus-Saturn squares were on January 27th, and April 8th with VENUS RETROGRADE. Look to events around these dates for additional karmic effects, for keys and clues as to what karmic love lessons you are needing to complete now.

Illustration by Kinuko Y Craft

SATURN in SAGITTARIUS is the great, serious, KARMIC lawmaker, teacher, tester, obstacle, and restriction maker. Saturn builds and matures everything it touches. Saturn rules CAPRICORN, which it will enter at the end of 2017. It also traditionally rules AQUARIUS.  Karma is the emotional glue of the soul, its lessons and patterns that we still need to complete.

VENUS is LOVE embodied. She is the Goddess of the lover, the giver of all beauty, arts, pleasure, values, riches, sex and relationships.  Venus governs TAURUS, the sign the SUN is in now.  Venus also rules LIBRA the peacemaker, the sign of marriage traditionally and all relationships with others as well as justice.

VENUS and SATURN both relate to balance and JUSTICE. 

Venus is the EMPRESS # 3

SATURN is symbolized by The WORLD #21 in the Tarot

The world Thoth Trump Tara Greene

The physical 3D material universe is what Saturn governs

These two planets symbolize many levels;

This is serious beauty, a matured beauty, an older woman in her menopausal strength, intelligence, power, and beauty, beholden to none but her sweet feminine self.  She is not a boy toy or a patriarchal object anymore. She is free of having to tend to children or wait on a husband or partner unless she chooses to. She is a wise elder and CHRONE as I like to spell it. She needs to exert her own serious power and refuse to be ignored. Women must take themselves seriously as a natural force for beauty, intelligence, balance, peacemakers, in relationships for nature, and for higher spiritual truths, not man-made laws.  Saturn is in SAGITTARIUS. It’s time to re-educate women as to women’s real value in every culture and throughout history. Women’s history has been totally suppressed.

Many relationships are ending as they have completed their karmic lessons together now.

Venus in PISCES square SATURN in SAGITTARIUS symbolizes economic slowdowns and difficulty in foreign International relationships. Ya think much?


Is the end of addictions to delusions in religion, blind faith, projecting power onto those in seniority, politicians, educators, etc. This aspect indicates an end to addictions to Big Pharma stating it is the law. An end to education which dumbs down and puts students in debt. An end or obstacle to arts organizations and culture that feed a corporate hierarchy. An end to accepting what governments tell you are laws. Saturn is the Tax man.

These aspects allow us to see our patterns clearly and to help us forgive, cleanse and make amends. No more martyr and victims. These are hard Saturn lessons to learn but they are coming at a very high cosmic level now, straight from the Galactic Centre. the cosmic Vagina’s mouth.  I am feeling it so are most people.

SATURN forces us to take responsibility for what we have created in our lives and Venus brings the lessons to us wrapped in love and beauty if we can see it that way.

One of my shamanic teachers used to say. You can learn from pleasure just as easily as through pain and hardship. This is not to avoid hardship but to choose to learn and grow through self-awareness which brings ease. That teaching has always stuck with me. I wish to learn my lessons through pleasure. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

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