Home Consciousness Full Moon 9 June 2017 ~ Magic Wound

Full Moon 9 June 2017 ~ Magic Wound

by consciousreminder
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The Full Moon on 9 June 2017 falls at 18º Sagittarius decan 2 The Full Moon June 2017 forms part of what the Huber school called an irritation triangle. This can cause sudden fits of anger. Since Pluto and Ceres are plugged into the ‘irritation’, outbursts in the collective will reveal where there have been abuses of power in relation to children or the vulnerable. We could see where the unscrupulous have made money out of human trafficking.(Eg exploiting boatloads of migrants across the Mediterranean at a great risk to those migrants lives.)The fixed star for this Full Moon is Sabik, found in Ophuichus, a favorite of occultists.

Full Moon June In Sagittarius 2

This Full Moon June is great for natural healing, especially when it comes to women’s health, genetics and midwifery. Breeding and DNA are a theme here as the serpents symbol so closely resembles the double helix and the caduceus of Mercury is also highlighted. There is also a certain amount of deception too however… The forked tongue of the snake makes itself felt here in the form of jealousy or spiteful rumors. Sabik is problematic generally, so the lunar energy makes it hard for us to clarify truth from fiction. What is certain though, is the ability to conjure up fanciful stories! These tales are so dramatic and entertaining, that in the end no one cares if they are actually factual or not. Maybe the fiction contains an element of truth that is eternal, like a myth.

The Moon has some dignity in Sagittarius 2. One of its unique abilities in this position is to unify desperate elements together in order to fulfill as specific goal. Moon in Sagittarius 2 is rather like a blinkered horse. That way it won’t be tempted, or detracted by the forbidden fruit of temptation. Austin Coppock warns of Moon in Sagittarius 2’s “greater powers of concentration and focus.” as it also carries with it “the potential for monomania, and its gift of perseverance will fortify the fools quest as well as the sages errand.” At the same time I do think this Full Moon’s healing potential is best channeled into a single goal. Otherwise the Moon’s power here can sour Sagittarius 3’s healing medicine, if it is allowed to run amok and not funneled positively.

Full Moon June ~ Fixed Star Sabik

Now we will see why we have to be so careful with this Full Moon June’s magical potential. Sabik, is a star on the right leg of the Serpent Bearer or more famously the so called 13th sign Ophuichus. Generally “When Ophiuchus, encircled by the serpent’s great coils, rises he renders the forms of snakes innocuous to those born under him. They will receive snakes into the folds of their flowing robes, and will exchange kisses with these poisonous monsters and suffer no harm.” Robson doesn’t seem to like Sabik saying “It causes wastefulness, lost energy, perverted morals, and success in evil deeds.” These ‘evil deeds’ are probably to do with the use of magic as manipulative sorcery. But in the case of good-hearted seers who use the Tarot or other means of divination, including astrology, they should have the ‘success’ without them being branded as ‘evil’. Sabik’s potential for ‘evilness’ depends on which planet this star falls on.
Full Moon June 2017

Full Moon June 2017 Aspects

Moon opposite Ceres is the aspect equivalent to the Salvation Army, seeking to rescue those in the most need. Those touched by this Full Moon must be careful however, that their saving doesn’t turn into a savior complex. When this aspect warps, it warps big. At this time we can be the smothered or do the smothering. At the most negative, Moon opposite Ceres can be one of the narcissistic parent who engulfs their child to the extent that the child doesn’t even realize she is being abused.
Sun quincunx Pluto puts a quirky slant on Plutonian sexuality, but sometimes it can be downright kinky. Its strength comes from playing the lovable freak card. But those touched by this Full Moon could get quite obsessive in their need to be themselves at all costs. The collective mood at this Full Moon is one where one is are apt to play the fool and act rebelliously because it is empowering in a world were we feel disenfranchised. I’m thinking of 4Chan memes and such.

The Irritation triangle:

“This figure needs constant movement and stimulating activity. The energies stored in it are looking for a way to resolve the state of opposing forces, the blockage of energy flow and the rigid attitude they produce….the liberation of tension is a desperate longing. Sudden bursts of anger can arise as a reaction to external pressures. The defensive behavior does not last long, though, it is over quickly and forgotten again.”

Full Moon June 2017 Summary

Full Moons tend to make us purge and release things from our lives, so we need to make sure that we are in control of this and no one is forcing our hand! Sometimes we can let go of things that we regret later, due to heightened emotions and impulsive reactions. The bright light of the sun throws a spotlight on our lunar demons. In this Full Moon the shadow is extra dark with the stark shaft of light from the irritation triangle shining on Sun conjunct Ceres.

This Full Moon wound could show up where we have felt scarred, betrayed or tainted. The wound could come from family scandals, a problem with inheritance or an undesirable ancestral trait. On the other hand, having an overly-cosseted childhood can leave one ill-equipped to deal with the gritty reality of the outside world. The modern day demand for ‘safe spaces’ is a good example of how wrapping people up in cotton wool can diminish emotional robustness.

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