Home Consciousness 5 Signs You Are Definitely Being Taken Advantage Of

5 Signs You Are Definitely Being Taken Advantage Of

by consciousreminder
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Many of us tend to realize we are being taken advantage of, after it’s too late.

The other person has used us and left us behind. We often miss the signs, because we don’t really want to see them. We don’t want to believe that someone we call a friend, a partner, a co-worker or a family member is capable of it. But people who are looking to take advantage of you often show a few simple signs.

Here are five signs you are being taken advantage of:

1. They Don’t Honor Their Commitments

A true sign that someone is taking you for granted is that they don’t honor their commitments to you. When they two of you have plans, it doesn’t bother them one bit to cancel or stand you up. If there’s something they need from you, you can be sure they’ll show up. But if they aren’t getting anything out of the arrangement, they don’t mind breaking promises.

2. The Conversations Are One-Sided

You can tell if someone truly cares about you by paying attention to whether or not they listen to you. A person who is trying to take advantage of you is often eager to talk about themselves, complain about their situation and look for sympathy from you. But when it’s your turn to talk, they aren’t interested in anything you have to say.

3. They Show A Lack Of Empathy

When you’re around someone who doesn’t really care about you, you’ll eventually start to notice. They’ll take what they need from you, but that’s as far as the relationship will go. They aren’t interested in talking to you or spending time with you. They don’t want to be an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on, and they aren’t going to offer you any emotional support.

4. They Are Always Gone

Someone who isn’t interested in a real relationship with you won’t make it a priority to be there for you when you need them. They’ll show up when there’s something they want from you. But when you’re in need, they are nowhere to be found.

5. They Don’t Trust You

An unwarranted lack of trust toward you when you haven’t done anything wrong is often a sign that the other person is being dishonest. They won’t trust you, because they know that they aren’t being trustworthy. They are there to use you for their own personal gain, then discard you.

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