Home Consciousness Love And A Snow Flake!

Love And A Snow Flake!

by consciousreminder
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by Deane Thomas
contributing author, Conscious Reminder

A snow flake is such an intricate structure; full of molecular bonds and connections. 

Molecular structures can be so complex that we never fully get to truly appreciate how unique they are. Snowflakes melt very quickly, when they come into contact with our skin. Yet a group together will form a small mound to be appreciated.

Imagine the amount of energy required to create a snow flake, the journey that it undertakes, and the process which it follows. Enduring, yet so beautiful at the same time.  The fragility of its very existence is challenged from the moment it is created.  Very much like a human love story!!

Much like most things that are created in nature, there is a cycle and a process for its evolution. We all know the beginning and the end of our life story; we are born and we will die!  But what happens to our essence? What happens to our spirit? There are many written theories, and no doubt we already know the answer to that!  Much the same as coming to terms with love.

In many ways love can be compared to a snow flake. Beautiful experience, complicated structure, and always melts/disappears when we don’t wish it to! Once we grasp the true concept of love then it all begins to make sense. It is throughout life that our soul reminds us through experiences and encounters. Knowing this we shall certainly learn to trust our inner guide not an illusion from the outside.

We will always be guided to where we are needed, where we are going, and when to heal/regenerate.  When we are open to receive love, it will be presented. Our soul, our intuition, our instinct will always “know” when it meets or senses true love. This is one thing we can be grateful for. There is no doubt about it, for the universal laws apply. This can happen when we least expect it, and the wonder is simply magic.

The true love essence will be stronger than before because we have healed. Our energy levels will be higher, and our vibration too. We will then begin to follow our inner guidance. Whether we are guided to a new place or a new opportunity or a new person, we shall simply stop questioning and just enjoy everything.  Our internal guidance is never wrong, but our thoughts often are and can be!

After years of healing and getting to the truth of our self, it is not time to be repeating the same old stuff we have done for eons. We woke for a reason, and it is not something that has been written about. We were not given any rule book or guidance, we are simply relying on like-minded soul family members to get us to this point. We have conquered the biggest battles any man or woman can, to reach a place of Oneness.

We have prepared the present and future generations with the right balance of information, so that they too understand what love actually is. Now is the time for the hard work to be rewarded with the pleasure of a whole life. A life full of love, happiness and joy – in a place we create for ourselves and our families. We will bring together those that are meant to be with and around us, and together we will create loving communities.

The significance of a snow flake in our lives is one we shall consider, particularly when its beauty and presence are magical.  We can always preserve the essence of a snow flake in our mind and body, much the same as love itself.  Once we have preserved the essence, we are complete and whole.  It is for us then to maintain that wholeness, knowing we are love.

Unconditional love is our natural essence, it is our state of being, and it is who we are!! 

About The Author: Deane stepped away from corporate responsibility, relocated to another country, and began his own spiritual journey, and life as a solo father. He is continually healing and growing spiritually, and now dedicates his time to helping, healing and teaching others. His inquisitiveness into historical events and places, as well as witnessing them in the present time has led him to truly appreciate all that life has to offer. Deane has a deep fascination with indigenous cultures and their way of life, how they function and more importantly, live without religions. Always challenging and questioning societies forced indoctrination and expectations of man, he has become a philosopher and writer, something he has been in previous incarnations.

To understand who we are today, we need to get to grips of who we have been – through unravelling the truth within, we can create a new template for the way we live our lives – in truth!  Deane is a published author, his book “Love Outside The Box” is available at good online bookstores!

You can find more of his work on https://www.askdeano.com

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