Home Consciousness Do You Talk To Yourself? You Are Superintelligent, Not Insane

Do You Talk To Yourself? You Are Superintelligent, Not Insane

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Do you ever talk to yourself? As a child did you have imaginary friends like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes? Did you look in the mirror and give yourself advice? Have you feared being labelled as a freak?

Well worry not, there’s good news for you. Scientific research has shown that people who tend to talk to themselves actually have greater IQ than those who don’t. According to Einstein.org, Einstein “used to repeat his sentences to himself softly.” You don’t buy this? Read on to find out why it is a sign of absolute genius.

1. Brain Works Better

According to a study published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Daniel Swigley and Gary Lupyan, renowned psychologists, have found that talking to yourself really is actually healthy. An interesting experiment was conducted where around 20 people were given the name of a thing, a potato, an apple or cheese and asked to find that item in the supermarket.

In the first case they had to do it silently while the second they were allowed to talk, that is say allowed the name of the assigned object. The second time they completed the task efficiently because talking aloud helps your ear hear and brain retain. So next time you want to remember something, repeat it aloud

2. It Gives You Higher Clarity 

Don’t try to talk aloud if you are already confused or very uncertain about something. You need to have a strong conviction to say something out loud hoping it’ll manifest into something. Gary Lupyan a popular cognitive psychologist at the Wisconsin-Madison University contests that “Speaking to yourself isn’t always helpful—if you don’t really know what an object looks like, saying its name can have no effect or actually slow you down.

If on the other hand, you know that bananas are yellow and have a particular shape, by saying banana, you’re activating these visual properties in the brain to help you find them.” Thus instead of blindly guessing possibilities, think what you are looking for and give it a form.

3. It Helps You Learn

The first time we hear someone talk as kids, we try to imitate the sound and then try to understand. This mechanism stays with us all along. According to Live Science, “self-directed speech can help guide children’s behavior, with kids often taking themselves step-by-step through tasks such as tying their shoelaces, as if reminding themselves to focus on the job at hand.”

Try to remember the first time you played a board game. You must have been confused since it’s a new process and then when you said the steps aloud while playing the game, you gained a better understanding of the situation. This is the reason you remembered it the next time you played. This is exactly how talking to yourself helps, try to say the steps aloud while trying a completely new thing, that way your brain internalizes the method for further use.

4. It Will Organize The Chaotic Mind

Psychologist Linda Sapadin says when we think we silently weigh possibilities. This is important. You should talk to yourself because you can prioritize what you want. You even unconsciously make arrangements as to how you’ll achieve your goal. When you are stuck at crossroads, You have to choose only one path and talking aloud will make you more sorted. You will learn to manage things better.

5. Achieve What You Want

We all have certain things we dream to achieve. Just having an idea won’t do. You can write it down with a date to make it a plan, you can then talk to yourself about it daily. This way, you’ll stay motivated and waste less time. You will concentrate on the things that matter and not on petty things.

So walk on Einstein’s path of success and you’ll soon reach your destination. Keep talking!

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