Home Consciousness Twin Flame Philosophy Expanded!

Twin Flame Philosophy Expanded!

by consciousreminder

by Deane Thomas,
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

Advancing and developing the philosophies surrounding Twin Flames is one that is necessary, in order to assist others on their life journey.

Whilst the terminology may be very prominent in the spiritual community, there really is an opportunity to perhaps explore what the purpose of this is. So many picked up the Twin Flame “lingo” after encountering a profound connection with another. The searching for an answer for the way we were feeling or what we were going through brought us to a potential explanation.  In simple terms, our hearts were broken by someone we loved with all our soul and still do.

Seeking an answer is one aspect of helping to heal any situation in life. When we are confronted with such a complex answer and no instant cure, we are stumped. There are so many possible solutions, and so many offering a different root to success. A quick search using the search engines will present a long list of answers, cures, and potential solutions; and some offer even instant cures. We are presented with a long list, just like choosing a doctor, of potential guides who can assist us reach our own answers or perceptions.

But guess what!!??

Each life journey is unique, and no cure can be proffered as a general solution. Those who are truly sharing their own experience, have the potential to offer deeper insight, and answers to certain aspects of the journey. In reality, you are the one only one who is the answer, cure, and solution to what you are experiencing. Your chosen guides will help you to navigate the way ahead, but the next part of your journey begins and ends with you! No-one else can do the work for you!

Human Behaviour!

However, you came across the Twin Flame “lingo” is not the starting point; it is a potential answer to a question you have inside. Again, it is like going to a doctor because we don’t feel well if we are not happy with the first answer, we will search for another. Human behavior has evolved in this way, hence the thousands of offers available in the public domain. There is a market place for your problem, and there are those that claim to cure or have the answers.

When we factor in the human behavior and all its programming, we can take a deeper look into everything from a new perspective. Between us, we develop new insight or expand the philosophies that already exist, so that it becomes far more concise to help others. We learn and teach through the sharing of experience, through communication and exchange of information, and the desire to change what no longer serves us or humanity.

For some, like me, who stumbled across the Twin Flame terminology after a google search, reading a possible explanation was like medicine to a sick man. The choice of search words is usually completely random, and a list of suggestions is presented. From that starting point things begin to resonate; for me in particular, I referred to my own past life memories as the starting point. Then through a click on a YouTube video, what I and so many others experience, an explanation was presented.

Reminder Of True Love?

Connecting with the person who created the video was an essential aspect of truly understanding. After all, there is so much fake viral marketing in the world, it is best to speak to the horse’s mouth. Yes, it involved paying a fee, which I was happy to, as it offered a solution to my needs. After several weeks it was time for the appointment – the connection was strong, and I recognized there was some deep truth being shared. So, having “confirmed” what was already known within, what is the cure to this?

“How do I go about reuniting with this beautiful soul?”, the million dollar question!!

The answer was very simple, yet complex at the same time – and one which the psyche just can not figure out for itself! Go within, heal the pains you are carrying and have carried, and continue to live your life, knowing that true love exists. You will reunite – how or when is unknown, but for sure it will be soon!

My interpretation today is that true love exists within each of us – we have simply been reminded of that by someone else!! The connection we have encountered with our Twin Flame has reignited the flame that had been flickering for so long. Is it within us? Yes, Love is within us – and that is what really screws up the psyche.

We have always been told or shown that love is outside of us and that there should be an exchange of something between us to confirm that. But what does this mean you may ask! It means, we experienced something unique, at a frequency or vibration that matches us, and was intended exclusively for us. No doubt we had the same effect on our counterpart also – because there has to be a balance.

Reconnecting/Reuniting To Heal Past Life Reunions?

For those that resonate with past life memories or reincarnation lets broaden this to the Twin Flame archetype. We know that we are in some way or another, repeating something we have already done before. There are no coincidences; there are simply events we will encounter, over and over, perhaps until we figure out the pure truth or way of navigating the experience. If one advances the theory of “eternal recurrence”, the bigger picture of our own life makes some sense!

Having reincarnated many times, there is no doubt that some Twin Flame unions have also occurred before. We shall advance the theory of Twin Flames who have connected in the physical in this lifetime, have also done so before. If what is being shared today about only coming into a union for a final journey home has any merit we can reach two possible conclusions from our own experiences.

Reconnecting with our Twin Flame has “forced” us to reach the purest point in all of our incarnations, our true authentic self. We have recognized the true love essence within, we have healed, processed and broken the chains that held us in 3D reality. Many are connecting with a completely new being, and one which has never been encountered in previous incarnations.

To qualify this at a deeper level, we have to take a good look at our own life and encounters. Remembering is something man has struggled with, as the mass media is building illusions, so what do you remember from this life? Time for brain power! Sharing from my own experience will shine a light for others to see more clearly on their own situation.

Past Life Memories

I have experienced several past life regressions, and recall them clearly – there has been a common theme in many of them. The loss of a very important soul in that lifetime, and always a female character. One regression I had 25 years ago came back to my memory in January 2015. It was that memory which led me to search Google for a possible explanation for the connection I had with my Twin Flame.

Expanding on this topic today, as a potential explanation for the reconnection of Twin Flames, and the tremendous work we go through to reach a pure energy, we can begin to sense why it is so difficult to navigate the path. Internally we know what we are feeling is real, this is further supported by ongoing signs, syncs, dreams and other “unexplained” happenings.

Our soul knows that we are from the same source and have a purpose during incarnation. During our previous incarnations as Twin Flames in a union, there must have been some form of ending, otherwise, we would not be here again, would we?

We never managed to complete what we were trying to create back then; but here we are today, in what seems to be a similar situation. What we have now, is a lot more remembering going on. Technology has granted us access to new ways of getting information, hence the answers are coming easier. As we heal our own life and past, we do in some aspect for our beloved too.

But, add the equation we may have done this with them before, and not succeeded in our quest, we are now able to potentially heal that previous reunion too.

Should you have the insight to any previous past life incarnations with your beloved, and you have worked on healing that, then you have reached a completely new place on your soul journey haven’t you? You are creating something new, in the here and now, as well as in truth.

New Plateaus – New Outcomes – We Create Our Desires!

Some have the privilege of insight into so many things, and it is that which we share with others. When we have healed or come to terms with all that we have been, we welcome it into our core. We are doing things that we have never done before, and are laying new foundations for New Earth. Separation of the energies is an inevitable part of the evolution of mankind – there has to be a parting of ways to form the new.

Let’s be perfectly open and frank here, we have chosen to be here for a reason – one perhaps we will never remember. There is a much bigger picture to all of this, and one that we see far more clearly today than we ever have. We see the truth, we see the reality, and now we want to change it to reflect all that we have become today – pure love. We are in union with all that is and ever will be, our counterpart has appeared, and we have reached this place and time.

Our Divine Masculine and Feminine are in relative balance, and our ego-mind is in its proper place, now it is time to put that divine energy to good use. As we venture forward, there is no doubt that our lives will be full of pure love. What we vibe we get in return. Whether our beloved reconnects with us on the remainder of our life path is anyone’s guess.

Miracle Of Love!!

When we look back at how we connected them in the first place, that was the Universe at work; that is what the Universe does, works towards you and your highest good. Our wish today is to enjoy our new found self, truth and unconditional love, and share it with all that is. So you see, we have encountered miracles before! They can and will happen again…it is always the surprise that is far greater than anything we plan or create!!

We all love surprises, so shall we focus on living and loving the life we have in our hands today, and co-create heaven on earth?

About the author:  Deane has created unique personal development programs for those who are awakening and wish to make a smooth transition to the new levels of consciousness. He has a passion and in-depth understanding of past life memory, its interpretation and how to address this in current life. To understand who we are today, we need to get to grips of who we have been – through unraveling the truth within, we can create a new template for the way we live our lives – in truth! He offers one-on-one consultations for those that require some clarity or guidance. You can discover more about this service via his website http://askdeano.com/make-an-appointment-2

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Druantia August 9, 2017 - 12:37 am

I’d say it’s reflective of an abusive, failed or meaningless interaction. There are no twin flames or cosmic 5d love for all. Just people who misuse and exploit one another and indulge the narcissism of a new age God complex in which enlightenment equals Utopia and a free pass on crap behaviour. Good relationships are based in sincerity, integrity and showing up in the real world. Not hallucinogen infused past life escapism tripping!

Deane Thomas August 9, 2017 - 11:45 am

Thanks for your comment. Perhaps you misunderstand the purpose of the whole subject matter, as it is very real for many. We are living in the “real world”, but we recognise the illusion that it portrays, and choose to create a world based on our truth, love and respect for humanity. Past life or current life behaviour analysis is a fundamental principle of getting to the core of our truth, of who we are and have been. This is not escapism, this is facing the mirror until it shatters. When we apply labels or terminologies about others beliefs or experiences, we become judgmental and biased. Perhaps this is based on a lack of understanding, or the willingness to open up to alternative ideas perceptions or realities.

Druantia August 10, 2017 - 10:26 am

No Deane, I share a mutual respect for truth, kindness, fairness & love. I just don’t believe in past lives or in life being a mirror. So we need to agree to disagree unless either of us has incontrovertible evidence. Twin flames & unplayed out karma worry me as I can see it being used as a blanket to evade personal accountability for acting in dilemma & conflict. I’ve seen far too many people become utterly dysfunctional holding onto abuse and dead ends rather than extract themselves from destructive interactions. Wishing peace & good wishes with your philosophies as I am sure you do with mine.

Deane Thomas August 10, 2017 - 11:42 am

Durantia, I have and continue to experience the things I write about, as do many I connect with. The purpose of any of the twin flame teachings is to reach the core truth of self – this is what I practice and teach (as well as learn daily). Your own view may be unique, as the many I interact with are not avoiding their past, and, are confronting their “inner demons” and accepting responsibility for their actions. As I have done, and many others before me. Those of us who do fully believe and experience the Twin Flame journey, are not blinded or fixated on the inner work that needs to be done, as it leads to transformation of mind body and soul. Science does not have all the answers, and never will do, and as I have written, perhaps it is time for Science and Spirituality to become acquainted. We are not avoiding anything on our journey, particularly the abuse and traumas we have encountered since childhood. We are stripping away every last bit of information we have learned from a dysfunctional system, the net end result is our own truth. We share the same respect. This is my truth I have written, and it also represents the truth of thousands of others around the world who are encountering similar situations in their lives. Blessings x

Druantia August 11, 2017 - 12:38 am

Deane I am pleased for you that you experience certainty in your own philosophy and have sought out contact with others who agree with it. I wonder how much exploration you have done to critically test your theories and interpretation of your and others experiences. Unquestioning faith is historically shown to result in blind outcomes. Faith of any description should not enable failure to consider opposing views or critically evaluate accepted ‘truths’. I respect your right to your version of truth.just as I hope you respect mine to query it in the face of many contrasting experiences & philosophies that contrast to your view. Best wishes to you on your quest for truthful purpose.

Tiffany sheren August 9, 2017 - 2:26 am

Um not necessarily my experience has been trippy for sure believe my conflict between reality so called normal coincedences and trippy well let’s just say all the weird stuff like clair stuff are true I have many witnesses cause I make them acknowledge it too…I know all time they forget and I will remind them….so much

Tiffany sheren August 9, 2017 - 2:26 am



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