Home Consciousness No Need To Be An Assh*le

No Need To Be An Assh*le

by consciousreminder
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Every time you get comfortable in life, it will throw a bunch of hardships at you like as if it was waiting to do so.

So much life, every time you get comfortable in bed you remember you need to pee. Just that it’s ten times tougher and annoying than that.

Life isn’t the same for everybody. No matter how similar two situations looks, they are always different and different people have their own ways of handling it.

Things that can be easy for you might be a nightmare for someone else.

Things that you absolutely love might not mean the same to others. What you need to remember at all times is that five fingers aren’t alike.

Different people have different struggles and their ways of solving their issues might not be similar to yours.

That doesn’t make them weak or wrong. That just makes them different from you and it’s OK.

Kindness wins every time. And if there are times when you think you can’t bring anything positive to the table then make sure you don’t open your mouth to say something mean and hurtful.

We all have our battles to fight. Adding on to others misery will never make you a winner, irrespective of how many odds you have conquered in life.

If you aren’t a good person then your accomplishments don’t really mean anything.

Now, this is for someone who doesn’t have anyone. You have to know that the best you’ll ever have is yourself. You are your biggest strength and nobody can love you and support you like you can support yourself.

What you think about yourself matters more than what others think of you. How you treat yourself is how you teach others to treat you.

Always remember that love begins at home, so stop being cruel on yourself. Don’t believe the negative things you tell yourself when you’re upset.

All of us should remember that it needs to rain before we can see a rainbow. Don’t let things thunderstorms break you. Instead, use them to become the best version of yourself.

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